Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Progress after a Long Absense

So it's been a while, and thought I'd post an update.

My wife and I had our daughter on 12/12/12, and to say life changed is an understatement. Lack of sleep and constantly having to deal with baby-related things kept us both pretty occupied, but at about 3 months the 'little things' started to come back (like sleeping more than 2 hours at a time) and I was able to re-evaluate.

The big change started right after my grandmother-in-law's 80th birthday party: it was a big celebration with LOTS of food. And the day after, I decided I wanted to lose the weight, not for me but for her, and dammit I was going to do it!

I downloaded an app called LoseIt, with a simple goal - regardless of WHAT I did, I would log it. If I ate a 5lb bag of gummy bears... that's fine, but LOG it. The intent is/was to see what was going into my body, and where my issues were. Because at the small level, I didn't feel like I had major issues with the things I ate: I like whole grains, veggies, and a lot of other healthy things, I drink very little soda/beer, etc. So being 260 didn't seem to mesh with how I felt about what I was eating, even taking into account snacks.

After a week I found a great issue - it wasn't the day to day that was getting me. It was the, on average, 1 day a week when I went WAY over without realizing it. The first time it happened, our boss bought Chinese food for the whole office, and I had my usual: Boneless Spare Ribs and Crab Rangoon combo, with fried rice. Lo and behold, something on the order of 1200 calories in a tiny plastic death-tray. Then my wife suggested dinner from the local pub. My usual order was something like a pulled pork sandwich and a small bowl of cheddar ale soup - which, combined with breakfast, and the Chinese, etc, was something like 3500 calories for the day. So instead I had a grilled chicken salad loaded with veggies, and put about a tablespoon of parmesan peppercorn dressing on it, just to 'wet it'.

I've followed that general pattern for about a month now - eat what I want, log everything I eat/do, and if I get close to my limit make my dinner something lighter. I generally will cut back on lunch a bit if I know it's something crazy, because I can't "afford it" calorie-wise. If I want something, I have it - and I make the room for it. But in general, there are things that just aren't worth it to me. 2 of my wife's homemade cookies (~160 cals) are worth more to me than a beer (~120 cals). And it's working.

I'm down 7lbs in a month, to 253. My general goal is to hit 190 by next spring, but the main goal is that when my daughter starts making lasting memories that I am THIN. I want her to look at pictures of me and ask "who is that" and for me to say "that was me, before you".

I'll post pics when I hit 250lbs. Wish me luck!

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