Friday, August 31, 2012


Yesterday I missed my third round of P90X; my wife and I went to dinner to celebrate, and I simply didn't feel up to doing ab work with a stomach full of pasta. Tonight is a wash as well, as I will be playing poker with some coworkers until the wee hours. My goal is to do them tomorrow, then get back on my 'every other day' schedule. We will see how it goes.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 36: P90X... Am I Insane?

Sorry for the long delay between posts. Life is pretty much the same; I cut quantities when I think of it, which is usually 1-2 meals a day. I've been making weak efforts at eating healthier, among them eating Subway more (really, as much as I can stand, which is 2-3 times a week). I am reminded of the John Pinette skit on Subway, and for those who haven't heard it they jyst is this: eat Subway enough and you will probably pray for death. I agree, after a while it just starts to taste like mushy cardboard, whatever you get.

Otherwise I have been prioritizing making an Android game on my lunch over things like hiking, etc. It does keep me from binging on my mid-day meal, though.

One change I had been meaning to make was adding some kind of ab routine to my life. You can see from the pics that is a central issue for me; my general philosophy is if I can make a dent in my beachball stomach, it might even out into other areas. If I'm going to focus on one area, that's going to be it.

To that end, I found a P90X ab workout, and tried it on Sunday night. I like how they constantly encourage you to take breaks, but by halfway through I was more of the mindset of 'I'm going to do 5 of these and sit here and die while you finish the other 20 reps'. Even 2 days later I still hurt, so I guess it's waking up something in my tummy.

The plan tonight is to try and get through most, or at least more, of the workout. Maybe 10 reps of each, or something. I need to work up to it since I have basically ZERO ab strength.

The goal is 3 days a week, about 15 minutes a day. We will see how long it lasts, but if I can't find 15 minutes at the end of the day then maybe I should stay fat, lol.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 11: A week of monotany

So I've just been living normally for the last week; Starbucks on lunch with usually a quick Subway / McDonalds / thai food pickup on the way back to the office. Coffee most mornings, with either half a bagel or a low fat muffin, typical Dunkin fare. Dinner is a lot of grilling, though we made a few soups with various success. My wife and I make an excellent baked potato soup, we tried a portobella mushroom soup that was interesting but a little too rich, and not nearly filling enough. Given my wife's new-found ability to make amazing croutons, I think a steak Caesar salad is in our future.

Still haven't weighed in since Day 1, but I have gotten comments that I look like I've lost a little weight. I sort of disagree, but I can hope. I will try and step on the scale tomorrow morning, or maybe late tonight.