Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Finally Updating

I should have started this 6 months ago, but for now I'll just start with a quick overview.

So, after making some progress I lost basically all of it. I was back up to 265 in June, when I had my physical and the doctor wanted to put me on Lipitor.

That was officially my wake up call. I decided, no, I would NOT go on Lipitor without a fight, so I took the next 2 months and worked my butt off. I dropped a lot of weight, and felt a lot better. Started tracking dogmatically with LoseIt again, and started a Couch to 5K program since I love to run and it was something I could fit into my routine.

Short version: while I made a lot of improvement, I still needed to go on Lipitor, just a lower dose. I have embraced that I may NEVER be off of it, but I'm not quitting until I'm at my goal weight and still need it.

I successfully completed the Couch to 5K routine: it's amazing to think of going out there and dying after running for a minute in July, to being able to run 45 minutes or more now without stopping. I haven't run this much since high school track, and I love it. My times are garbage, but are always improving.

I've starting a 10K routine, and I'm pushing myself HARD for it: the briefer running segments I'm almost sprinting, I'm aiming more for pushing my boundaries than finding a sustained pace right now, because I really want my resting pace to improve from where it is now (around 14 min/mile). My eventual goal is a 10 mile race in my wife's hometown in July.

I'm down 25+ lbs, 4" off my waist, and still losing a pound or two a week consistently while building strength and endurance. I've experimented a bit with cross training using the Army PRT program (there is a great free app with all the exercises), it's got a big appeal to me because I can do it without equipment. With winter finally coming to New England, I'm probably caving in the next few weeks and moving my training to a gym. Running in freezing temperatures isn't fun, especially with ocean winds blasting me.

Anyways, progress! A lot of it. I'm more focused than ever, and it's paying off.

Will check back soon.